Milk + Honey Wellness Blog

This blog is my little corner of the internet. It’s a happy, encouraging place where I share my personal stories, and advice on nutrition, holistic health, wellness, recipes and personal development.
Basically, how you can create a life + body you love!

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Release + Receive :: A Winter Solstice Ritual for December

This is a beautiful ritual that is practiced the entire month of December. A wonderful way to stay conscious and mindful during the holiday season. To clear out any residual negativity and make space for the abundance of the new year. To honor the darkness, and welcome back the light.

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Clearing Ritual for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, marking the official start of the holiday season. No matter how you choose to spend the holidays, you can prepare to be in the right headspace and home-space.
This is my preparation and clearing ritual using herbs and healing crystals so that I can create a peaceful holiday season.

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Practice These 3 Fall Equinox Rituals to Bring Balance and Abundance to Your Life

The fall equinox is about finding balance and manifesting abundance.  This is a beautiful way to manifest your intentions for the season and to give thanks to yourself, the earth, and the universe. You can even invite friends and family to join in these rituals as bounties and abundance are meant to be shared. Prosperity for everyone!

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