Milk + Honey Wellness Blog

This blog is my little corner of the internet. It’s a happy, encouraging place where I share my personal stories, and advice on nutrition, holistic health, wellness, recipes and personal development.
Basically, how you can create a life + body you love!

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How To Sit In Meditation For Beginners

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the best meditation posture and seating arrangement for you—it takes time to familiarize yourself with your body and what it needs. Here are five postures for you to try so that you can focus on your practice and get more out of your meditation.

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Build Your Mental Resilience

What is mental resilience? Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult situations. When stress, adversity or trauma strikes, you still experience anger, grief and pain, but you're able to keep functioning — both physically and psychologically. Learn ways to improve your resilience and bring more easy and joy to your life.

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4 Superpowers To Channel This Holiday Season

I’ve survived the last few years of holidays virtually unscathed because I’ve leaned on four key superpowers. Today, I’m passing them along to you in the hopes that adopting one or more will give you the energy, capacity, and grace to roll into 2022 with a more grounded, calm, and refreshed energy than you’ve seen in the past.

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