Clearing Ritual for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, marking the official start of the holiday season. After the past couple of years social distancing, we are ready to gather together again!
The holidays can be a joyous time of celebration and fun – a time for decorating the home, preparing the perfect meal, having engaging conversations around the dinner table, carrying on family traditions and creating memories. But, the holidays can also be a complicated and emotional time for many of us. They can bring added stress, extra noise, heightened anxiety, confrontation and perhaps even a sense of loss or sadness.
And in all reality, things never go perfectly. There is always the unexpected, unintended and the uncertain. No matter how you choose to spend the holidays, you can prepare to be in the right headspace and home-space.

Below is my preparation and clearing ritual using herbs and healing crystals so that I can create a peaceful holiday season.

Prepare The Space

If you are hosting guests this year, you can energetically program your home with intention and set the stage for a welcoming, positive experience.
We all function on a higher frequency during the holidays, surrounded by more frenetic levels of activity and energy. More people are coming and going in and out of the house.
Our kids are home from school. Maybe we have more deliveries or home improvements happening. Some of us may have family or friends staying with us for some period of time.
With all of this extra energy swirling around, it is more important than ever to maintain and restore an atmosphere of peace and calm before and after our activities, parties and gatherings.

First things first, clear and cleanse the energy in your home environment so your guests feel welcome and comfortable while visiting.  

You Will Need:

  • Burning Sage has an antiseptic quality to cleanse the energy throughout a space. It will purify the atmosphere so no matter how active your home is, you can maintain a clear, calm and positive environment. Burn sage before as well as after your parties and gatherings to prepare and repair.

  • Palo Santo wood creates an atmosphere of fun and high energy. Burn this before the arrival of guests to ensure everyone has a good time and feels right “at home”.

  • Dragon’s Blood is for deep cleaning. This powerful herb can be used to clear out any residual negative energy that might remain following a gathering. Once the clutter is cleared and the dishes are done, burn this herb to cleanse on a deeper level and ensure positive energy is restored.

Placing Your Crystals

There are several different crystals that can boost the energy of your home during the holiday season. Placement is important to getting the most out of each one, but if you are new to this, don’t stress too much about it. Just do what you can.
Here are some of my suggestions for optimal benefits of these crystals for the holidays. Do all or just a few of these suggestions and you will be off to an amazing start!

You Will Need:

  • Black Tourmaline Log outside your front door – A virtual soldier standing guard, place this crystal outside your front door to shield and protect your home and family.

  • Almadine Garnet inside your entryway – Welcome home! Place this crystal in your entryway, somewhere near your front door on a table, a shelf or even in a plant to greet your guests and welcome in prosperity, abundance and security.

  • Sodalite in your dining room – This crystal is a conversation starter. Incorporate Sodalite in your dining room or on your kitchen table to keep the lively discussions and good vibes flowing.

  • Peacock Ore in your living room – A reminder of the best the holiday season has to offer, this crystal brings blessings and joy. Give it center stage, perhaps on a coffee table, in your living room, family room or wherever you gather together and spend the majority of your quality time. I just have a small piece so I tuck it into a beautiful centerpiece on the table.

  • Selenite Towers in the four corners of rooms – As a beacon of light, Selenite can be placed in corners or darker spaces, maybe even a particular room in your home that could use an elevated source of energetic light and healing. I usually tuck some small Selenite pieces under the table or the couch, preferably both if you can. Selenite works to constantly cleanse your space and I cannot recommend it enough, it’s an absolute staple. You can plop it in the kitchen, or living room places where people congregate. This stone encourages an uplifting and positive dynamic.

  • Blue Lace Agate in your bedroom – Rest easy. This calming, soothing crystal can be placed at your bedside to promote a good night’s sleep or address insomnia stemming from worry, stress, uncertainty or anxiety.

  • Fluorite on your windowsill – A bountiful gift. With its rainbow of multi-faceted colors, Fluorite should be placed on a window sill or other light-infused space to create a kaleidoscope of beauty, joy and positive energy.

Take 5-minutes to breathe through any holiday stress with your crystals in hand!

My links for crystals and herbs are for the Energy Muse, crystal expert and holistic healer, and right now they are offering 40% off for Black Friday deals. I am not an affiliate and do not receive money for this shout out. I just love this site for my crystal and herb needs.

The Aftermath of Celebrations

After the celebrations are over, it is a combination of sound and smoke for me! I open the windows and I put on some good music. Music is so personal, so put on something that is uplifting and creates the very best vibes for you. Sometimes I search for 417 or 432 Hertz music (you may or may not dig this option, but that’s ok, I do). I pull out my lavender and rosemary bundle work its magic. You could also use your Sage or Palo Santo as well if that’s what you have.

As you walk through your space repeat your intention. Below is an example of my intention. Take it and use it if it feels right to you. Or create your own.

In love and light, I cleanse this space. In love and light, I cleanse this home. May all who dwell here grow in prosperity and love. May all who visit feel welcomed and safe. I am grateful for the nourishment of the day and the means to attain it.

How are you spending this holiday season? Is there any Selenite and Sage involved? Do tell!


Release + Receive :: A Winter Solstice Ritual for December


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