Daily Acts of Self Love - Not Just A Luxury

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I was taking a walk the other morning with my wonderful friend and Life Coach Lisa Tatge of Lee Bee Coaching. She and I were talking about self care and how important it is to fit it in every singe day. 

BEST: Daily acts of self-love aren’t just fuzzy, feel-good luxuries.  

They are what is standing in between you and the body, life, and love that you are so desperately seeking.  They are a necessity not just a luxury. By neglecting this part of your life, it can leave a huge gaping hole that can then be filled with ice cream, TV, wine, unfulfilling sex, and chips. Oh, the salty, crunchy potato chip! 

I know all the excuses. I’ve not only heard them all before but I have even used them myself. “I can’t afford massages!” or “I don’t have time for that!”  Those excuses may or may not be true, but each and every one of us has some time and some money to dedicate to the fundamental cause of our own happiness.  So I’m doing the work for you!  I’ve compiled a list of daily acts of self-love that fit any budget, any schedule.  Make it a priority to pick one every day.. start small, and before you know it, daily acts of self-love, mindfulness, and joy will be a habit as natural to you as brushing your teeth.

Free Daily Acts of Self-Love (I even listed them in order of time commitment):

  • Stop what you’re doing and take 3 long, deep breaths.
  • Put on some bright, beautiful lipstick.
  • Take a walk (bonus points if you stop and smell some flowers, smile or say hello to another human being or pet a dog)
  • Take a stretch break (touch your toes, do some twists, jump up and down)
  • Hug someone you love
  • Dance to your favorite beats (alone in your apartment, out with friends, and everything in between)
  • Meditate (just 15 minutes is enough for some amazing benefits!)
  • Eat a big, healthy lunch, loaded with veggies and leafy greens, in a calm, undistracted setting.
  • Watch the sunset (and restrain the urge to Instragram the whole thing!)
  • Take a nap in a park.
  • Call your bestie and have a really great conversation.
  • Spend some time on your hair (give yourself a blowout, try a new hairstyle [Youtube has tons of how-to videos!])
  • Clean, organize, and beautify your living space.
  • Have some creative time (paint a picture, do something crafty, arrange some flowers, work on a scrapbook).
  • Do yoga at home (pull up a video on Youtube).
  • Cook yourself a delicious meal, plate it beautifully, and eat it at the table, without distractions.
  • Read for pleasure (bonus points for reading outside).

Low-Cost Weekly Acts of Self-Love (I even listed in order of time commitment)

  • Buy some fresh flowers for your home and/or desk, and replace them weekly.
  • Slowly sip a cup of tea or coffee at your favorite cafe or coffee shop (phones off!)
  • Buy a bar of delicious, organic, fair-trade dark chocolate, and enjoy a few squares a day (or when you want it)
  • Share a meal with your favorite friends (try for once a week!)
  • Have a picnic!
  • Take a yoga class (don’t worry about how you look or how many calories you’re burning — instead focus on loving your body and do what feels good)
  • Go on a date (if you’re single, ask a friend to set you up!  If you’re not ready for dating, go on an amazing friend-date)
  • Have a little adventure (go rock-climbing, drive somewhere new, try something new and exciting!)

Monthly Self-Love Splurges:

  • Get a massage (places like Wellness Center at Dave's have fabulous hour-long massages for just $65!  You can invest that much in your self!)
  • Get a facial
  • Buy yourself a fabulous new outfit, that fits your body and makes you feel gorgeous
  • Go out for an amazing dinner (order wine, get dessert — make sure it’s somewhere worth a splurge, and savor every bite!)
  • Book a trip — even a little Sunday day trip!  Get out of town at least once a month.
  • Book a photo shoot, either professional, or with an artsy friend (dress up, do your hair, bonus points for boudoir shoots!)

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