Have you ever noticed how, on some days, a stressful moment can completely knock you out and start a downward spiral of more stress? While on others, the days when you’re feeling a bit more centered and peaceful, that same stressful moment is no big deal?

Studies have found that our emotional state prior to experiencing stressors can have a profound impact upon our response, the way they unfold in the body, and how our mood changes. This is one reason why it’s so critical to protect our peace, engage in the things that bring us joy, and put the stressors in perspective (whenever possible.)

If you’re facing a stressful moment and already can feel it growing and expanding, the best approach is sometimes to walk away and take a break; if you can’t, just give yourself time for one big breath or to name whatever you’re feeling.

One other helpful tip from the research when life feels stressful or messy: having a sense of purpose leads to less of a stress response! Try to focus on the greater why, what you’re learning, or how the stressor connects to something you love and value.]

M + H Wellness Tips:

  • Say to yourself, “I am willing to accept that things feel messy right now. This discomfort is a part of the process. It doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with me.”

  • Know that feeling stuck in the mess is a universal human experience. Even Charles Darwin!


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