Keep It M+H Wellness Approved!

When it comes to knowing if something is M+H Wellness approved, just keep it simple and remember....

Eat your heart out!  Fill up on lean proteins and green veggies to your heart’s content. Then use fruits, nutrient rich whole grains and healthy fats to complement your meals.

When you nourish your body this way, you’ll find that your cravings for unhealthy foods will lessen and you'll start craving superfoods! Yup, I'm talkin' full-on kale and Brussels sprouts cravings!! 

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Eating green is a lifestyle approach to how you choose your meals. Focus on eating food in its most natural state. Think lean proteins, colorful fruits, an array of vegetables, especially the dark, leafy green kinds and healthy fats. It's important for your evening meal to be as clean as possible, so your body can feel light and energized the next morning!

Instead of focusing on what you can’t eat, you’re going to focus on all the delicious food you can and want eat! Nature provides so many wonderful options that are good for your body and mind. The choices are endless!

Focus on filling your plate with the good stuff at every meal! Before you know it all the good stuff will crowd out the junk and you won’t even miss it!!  But if you do eat something that could be deemed “unhealthy” or “junk food”, don’t sweat it. Make informed, conscious decisions and enjoy them to the fullest.

Eat greens with every meal, and eat the colors of the rainbow. BAM!!! You've got it covered! 

It's all about your mindset baby! 

Want to get even more in-tune with your body and its natural cravings? Learn how to fuel and enjoy? Check out my coaching programs!


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