Detoxing Is NO Joke! Tips To Rock Your Next Cleanse

Toxins are everywhere in our life.  They are found in the foods that we eat, the beauty products we use, and the water we drink.  Lots are even found in the air that we breathe.  These toxins accumulate in our bodies and suck our energy dry, give us bad skin, prevent us from losing weight and generally make us feel out of sync. 

Detoxification has been used for hundreds of years with roots found in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine traditions.  At its most simple, detoxifying means eliminating impurities from entering the body and assisting to remove those that are built up within your body.   The liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, lymph and the gut, all help the body in removing toxins, but these organs can use our help in getting rid of these toxins.  If you have constipation, insomnia, acne, fatigue, allergies, headaches, bloating or even chronic pain, these excess toxins could be to blame. 

Cleansing is a process that assists your body in detoxifying itself.  Anybody can benefit from cleansing.  Contrary to popular belief, it does not mean you have to restrict your diet to only lemon cayenne water, and it does not mean that you are starving yourself.  A cleanse should be a nutritional reset, and designed to end unhealthy cravings and heal your body.  A cleansing diet that uses whole foods is a sustainable and simple way to press the reset button on your entire body.   

Avoiding common allergens such as sugar, soy, dairy and gluten allows your body to easily digest and eliminate toxins from your blood.   Loaded with fresh fruits, vegetables, and gluten free whole grains, a cleanse like Milk and Honey Wellness’ Revivify, will help you cleanse in a sustainable and filling way.  You will eliminate irritating foods from your diet and reset your entire system. 

More than just a way of eating, every cleanse should include regular exercise, lots of sleep, tons of water and an avoidance of mental toxins like stress and self-criticism.  With the assistance and support of Milk and Honey, the Revivify cleanse is an easy way to start eliminating a variety of toxins from your life.  You will be able to learn what foods charge your body and what foods are having adverse effects on your life.  

4 Tips to Help you Rock Your Next Cleanse

1. Let people know your plan. 
Pick a few people around you who will be supportive of your plan for a Spring detox. Tell them know what your particular regimen entails, and how long the process will take. Let them know you’d appreciate their support as the first few days might not be so cute for you. And for the ultimate in support, invite a friend to do the cleanse with you! 
2. Clear out your schedule.
You’ve got your whole life to get freaky and party on down. Use this as an intentional time to prioritize your health. Block out the cleanse time on your calendar and keep your social plans as easy and laid back as possible. Go for walks with friends. Weekend matinees are great. Gentle exercise and museum meetings are perfect. Take yourself on a soul stroll and see what strikes your fancy besides just that big piece of chocolate cake! 
3. Prepare your kitchen. 
Look over your protocol and as the cleanse approaches, make your way through your everyday food so what remains in your kitchen are foods that make you feel strong and clean. Remind yourself that the foods you feel attached to are not going anywhere and when this cleanse comes to a close, you still have the choice to go and get them again. Although, magically, you may not want to.
4. Ween off the heavy hitters. 
If you are a coffee drinker, a sugar eater, a gluten eater, and/or a whiskey appreciator, you may want to begin to week yourself off these common ingredients that most cleanses abstain from. Going off coffee, sugar, gluten and booze is a lot for some people all overnight. Start drinking decaf or downgrade to green tea. Begin cooking with whole grains instead of serving dinner with bread. Just ease off things as your start date approaches. 

Here I offer you one of my favorite cleanse tools: REVIVIFY 14 Day Whole Body Renewal.  

We are joining together to feel radically refreshed in just 14 days! 

When you join the many other people choosing to REVIVIFY their lives you will receive:

  • 90 page manual
  • Delicious recipes
  • Daily email support
  • Weekly webinar for Q & A 
  • Private Facebook Group for community and additional support

Is it affordable? Yep. 

Transformative? Damn Straight. 

Easy? Always. 

Check out REVIVIFY for more information and to register!  I can't wait to get started with you. 



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