Twerking to Simplify Your Life

With just a little Twerking you can simplify your life.

Alright,alright. Did I say Twerking?  I reallymeant to say


With just a few little tweaks you can simplifyyour life! But Hell, if you like to dance like me, maybe a little twerkingwould give you the motivation to tweak a few things along the way as well!

Sometimes when your work life is very hectic you need yourpersonal life to be extra calm to help create balance.  Here are a few easy tips that can have bigresults. 

photo via pinterest

10 Ways to simplify your life


Reclaim your mailbox

Stop receiving the catalogs and junk mail that clog your mailbox and inbox.Take a bit of time to unsubscribe from mailing lists. I know this can take someserious time. I just went through my inbox and unsubscribed

to at least 20 different sites that were sending me junk mail and promotions.Needless stuff and even more stuff! These past few days it has been such arelief to open my inbox and just see the information I want to be there. Idon’t have to sift through a bunch of gunk and waist precious time and energy.


Purge your files and de clutter

Recycle any papers that you no longer need. For peace of mind, put yourimportant documents in a fireproof box or a safety deposit box. I went toStaples and bought the smallest and least expensive box. I think I spent around$50 bucks. I put in my passport, birth certificates, photos and other importantdocuments I absolutely want to protect. Once a week, take a grocery bag andpick up everything around your house you no longer need and give it tocharity.  Keep it simple.


Write down the three to five things in theworld that are most important to you

Read them at least once every day. Knowing what you value most in life willenable you to clarify your goals and know which action steps you need to taketo move forward congruently.  I know itsounds cheesy and maybe you aren’t the crafty type…..neither am I really…butyou could always make a Vision Board to keep you present and clear with yourgoals and dreams. I did and I love it. The clearer your goals are, the simplerit will be to move them forward.


Chunk your time

Designate specific times and days to get tasks done. For example, do all ofyour grocery shopping on Saturday mornings, your administrative tasks (likepaying bills or getting organized) on Friday mornings, try to get house workdone on Monday mornings or evenings.


Just Say No

Value your time. Every where I turn I talk to people that are trying to livelike they have 29 hours in a 24 hour day. And I am one of the guilty ones! I continually try to do “just one morething” before I run out the door. If I could only get one more thing checkedoff the list!!  I am also a helper. Iwant to help with lots of different community events or projects. I love to beinvolved and support those people around me doing awesome things! But in orderfor me to be my best I have to respect my goals and commitments and say yes tothe opportunities that are in line with these things.  I have had to learn to say no. And then it iseven more powerful when I say yes.


Clean out your car

Wowzer. This is so hard for me!  Ilive out of my car. At any given moment I have three water bottles, a bag ofnuts, baby toys, diaper bag, a random pair of Theo’s socks and a onesie. Thelist goes on…….So I set a goal to keep my car clean for a week. That may notsound long to any of you, but this is an eternity for me.

What do you think your disposition would be like if your main mode oftransportation was clean, relaxing, and welcoming?   For me, starting my day or running errandsin a clutter free car was incredible! It made all the difference in my attitudeand demeanor. I am so much more calm, positive, and relaxed.  Basically  a better person to be on the road with and toride with.


Simplify your finances

Clean out that wallet! Keep only one main and one back up credit card. Filethose receipts you need to hold on to and chuck the rest. Consider banking atone institution. For recurring charges on utilities, change to automaticdeduction and opt for paperless statements. A clean wallet creates a calm mind.


Create an “I will do one thing today” list

Taking this little step really has changed my life. I put so much pressureon myself to get my entire list of things done. In one day! I also have myprocrastination list. The list that keeps growing and nothing ever gets crossedoff. All the things I deplore doing go on this list.  Just choose one task from your procrastinationlist each day and do it! This will free up mental worry and allow you to focuson your goals that matter the most.


Have a weekly “no noise” day

Turn off the TV, computer, and al other noise and listen to nature, yourfamily, and friends Enjoy the noise that matters!!!



It is okay to have an empty grocery cart! This has taken me years to learn.Growing up there was a time when we didn’t have a lot of money. I remembergoing to the store with food stamps and only being able to buy certain things.I was so embarrassed and worried. We cut coupons every week. When I moved out andstarted college, I would spend so much money on food!! I would inevitably throwhalf of it, being a single person and not getting around to using all of it.But it didn’t matter. I realized just having food in the fridge gave me a senseof security and abundance. Now, I understand the more I buy, the more money Ineed to earn and the more upkeep I have. So now I strive to eat clean, and livein a simple, easy to maintain environment.  I strive for a pure, simple, life.

What steps will you take to simplify your life?


Energy All Day Long


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