Birth. Celebration. Blessed Event.

Birth. Celebration.Blessed Event.

Birth. My beautiful son danced into this world in the weemorning hours. Theodore Winfield Harvey. He was tiny and long and his toes weredistinct and spoke of all the adventures his feet were going to carry him on.He smelled of sweet cream and he was quiet but his itty bity self was alreadyso vibrant.

My baby boy has changed my world and broke open my heart.I am wide open. It is the kind of love deep in your being that makes your headspin. I want to cry and laugh all at the same time. I am so excited aboutgetting to know this little boy. I can’t wait to introduce him to homemadepopsicles and swing sets, swimming and dancing. I can’t wait to read When theSky is like lace to him. I am ready, and I am not at all ready. But more thananything, I just feel lucky to get to have this experience. I want to create apure and simple life for my son. It has not been the easiest year, but it hasbeen the best.

Around this time last year I graduated from the Institutefor Integrative Nutrition as a certified Holistic Health Coach. This was anotherhuge milestone in my life. I have a dream to be an agent for change andtransformation. I want to be a guide, and a co-journeyer. Supporting people tolive a pure, simple life.  Encouragingand sharing ways to have a healthy, clean, and balanced life while findingmagic and beauty at every step. You see, I believe the answers we’re lookingfor are all within ourselves; we just need to become better connected, morepresent—to what we eat, to nature, to our surroundings, and to our inner guide.

Now, today, I hold my little boy in my arms, and the baby of an idea and way oflife in my heart. I feel full and proud and happy and scared and so incrediblyoverjoyed. When I gave birth to Theo I was shaken to my core. It was the mostphysically and emotionally intense experience of my entire life. After givingbirth I knew that if I could successfully and beautifully accomplish that feat, then I could do anything. And I decided to leap into the unknown. 

I am dancing in this ripple effect, moving with the ebb and flow and love that comewith growing this business and dream while raising a beautiful child. I amstriving to be fully present with his amazingness and be present with myself.Learning to practice loving self-care and seeking balance in the tiny momentsof alone time.

I am here in a place I wouldn’t have had the courage toimagine a few years ago. I am so incredibly thankful for each of you reading,for joining in, for celebrating and helping me to rise up. I hope you willcontinue to share with me, and to let me share with you on this journey. 


Twerking to Simplify Your Life