Sugar- The Sweet Poison That Kills

Sugar - The Sweet Poison That Kills 

I am gearing up to give the first talk in my workshop series tomorrow night! We are going to be talking about sugar at My Business Bar which is a wonderful

community space for co-working, creation, and collaboration. It is a place for start-ups and entrepreneurs to network and connect with other professionals. It provides a modern and comfortable space for professionals who need access to on-demand workspace. You should check it out! Seriously.  The community is amazing and Kathryn (the owner) is vibrant, kind and supportive to everyone who enters her door! 

Why talk about sugar?

Well there are so many people addicted to sugar, yet they don’t have a clue how it affects them.  Are you one of them? Most people do not have a realistic view of how much sugar they consume on any given day. In fact the persons who claim to have given up sugar, including myself, are totally deluded! Why? Sugar is hidden in many foods under some aliases and peculiar names. Some of which I can’t even pronounce!

I want to expose the effects of sugar, show you replacements that are just as tasty or even better, expound on the effects on our bodies and how you can permanently change your relationship with it. For those of you who can’t  lose those extra pounds, you will be shocked to know that you can do so by cutting back on sugar. Those that are addicted, get a clear perspective on how you can get clean and kick sugar to the curb. 

Demonstrations and practical solutions will be given. Highlighting, the products that we frequently use and their sugar content.

Some people may feel like this doesn't affect them... but trust me, like the air pollution problem we are facing here in Utah, we cannot escape the seriousness of the impact. Unless you decide to examine your own sugar addiction, cravings etc, you may be in for a ride on the road to poor health. Yes, it’s that serious.

I wish for you to make more informed decisions about your foods. I want everyone to live a vibrant and healthy life. So please, if you struggle with any of these:

  • Brain Fog
  • Mood Swings
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Tired and Sluggish
  • Unwanted Pounds

Visit my website to see the details of the event

Ignite Your Life Workshop Series

. Please note you must register in order to attend.  See you there!

Vibrantly yours,


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