There is No One-Size-Fits-All Diet

There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Diet.

Hello Friends-

It has been a few weeks since I have posted. Did you miss me? I have missed connecting with you. All the top marketing peeps say that consistency is key to reach your audience and build your community visibility. Well, looks like I have something to work on! Lord knows I am not perfect. But you know what? I probably thought about 5 different really kick ass topics I wanted to share with you.....but I have been busy having tons of fun and spending time with my friends and family. I haven't wanted to sit in front of a computer screen and type. Can you blame me? But here I am, with a nice cup of coffee and it is time to write. And I will make this promise to you. I will be more consistent. You can count on me writing some juicy stuff at least once a week. There you have it.

Today, I am thinking a lot about diets and body types and "stick to it" ness because I am starting an 

8 Week Slim Down Challenge

 this Saturday! It is a holistically minded challenge if you feel like you have a few extra pounds to lose and you want a community to do it with. Check it out, if you are feeling the drive to make some shifts in your life.


is the perfect time.

If you’re like me, then chances are that atsome point in your life you’ve tried one (or all!) of the fad diets out there.Or at least read about them and explored it in your mind to determine if youwould really stick to it.

It seems like the early 90’s were all about low fat and people steered clear ofavocados, bacon, olive oil and butter. Then a few years later the trend swungin the opposite direction and suddenly fats were ok (duck fat and pork bellygalore) and carbs were the enemy.

Nowcarbs are back on, but only if they’re gluten-free.

And let's not forget the Paleo,Vegetarian, Pescitarian, Vegan and Raw diets. Oh, and the sacred juice and detox cleanses! 

Confused yet?

It seems like it’s every day that we are hit with agroundbreaking new discovery about the health benefits of this food or thatdiet.  When did eating become so incredibly confusing and complex????

My belief is that there is NO one-size-fits-all diet

I studied nutrition at

Integrative Nutrition

 and we learned that nutrition is the only science in which two contradictory theories can both be proven true. Scientists unanimously agree that the speed of light is 670 million miles per hour and water is made of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. But in nutrition, one study can prove that dairy is a necessary component of a healthy diet while another proves that it's detrimental. What??? 

And how is it possible that a friend of mine lost 15 pounds and is bouncing off the walls with energy on a vegan diet but inevitably it leaves me feeling bloated, weak, and cranky?

I suggest that it's time we take a post-modern approach to nutrition and recognize our bio-individuality. There's no one-size-fits-all diet. Most nutrition books will tell you what to eat without any reference to your age, constitution, gender, size, lifestyle, ethnic background or personal preference. But the truth is that the food that is perfect for your unique body may make another person gain weight and feel like crap!

And to top it all off, no perfect way of eating will work for you all the time!  Foods you loved for years may no longer agree with you (after giving birth to Theo, eggs now make my throat itch) and what you crave in the winter is completely different than what you crave in the summer. It's important to not get stuck in dietary dogma. 

Instead, let's all try to eat intuitively. Always trusting your body to guide you to the foods that best support you in the present moment. I like to do my best to eat a clean diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. I try to incorporate the colors of the rainbow in every meal. 

Your body is sophisticated and a perfect lab for you to experiment what your body likes and needs

Our bodies are highly intelligent bio-computers that have evolved to help us stay alive and well. They have developed instincts for us to listen to and follow. Bloating, exhaustion, and weight gain are all signs that something you are eating or how you are eating it isn't working for you. 

Listening to the messages your body sends you before they become unbearable can prevent so many chronic illnesses, doctor visits, medications, and operations. 

Sometimes we have to deepen our relationship with our bodies in order to hear what they are saying. 

Try the breakfast experiment (I did and it was totally eye opening).  For one week explore eating a different breakfast every day. Write down how you feel right after the meal and two hours later. You will find out what energizes you and what drains you. Certain foods will cause you indigestion; certain foods will enhance your ability to concentrate at work; certain foods will leave you feeling lethargic. 

It is a very empowering experience to realize you don't need to follow someone else's guidance, but you can trust your own intuition to find the diet that works for you. 

What's more important to your health than food? 

Food. Food. Food. Sometimes I get so caught up in thinking about what I ate, what I am going to eat, how many calories, my grocery list. etc. that I forget that there are other factors in my life that are more important than food for my health. What we eat is often secondary to the energy in our lives that fulfills us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  This concept of primary and secondary foods really changed my life and supported me to prioritize and shift some things that were not in balance. And believe me, I am not perfect at this...but it will literally change your life. 

Primary foods truly nourish you and make your life extraordinary. Secondary foods nourish your physical body and make you the incredible machine that you are. 

The four forms ofprimary food truly nourish you and make your life extraordinary include:


: We all have a need to give and receive love,so prioritizing your relationships with spouses, siblings, parents, friends,and coworkers is key to ensuring your long-term happiness. 


: Work should mean more than just a paycheck – it should fulfillyou on an emotional and intellectual level. It’s important to try to find thework you love, or love the work you find.

Physical Activity


Our bodies thrive on movement and quicklydegenerate without it. Whether it’s yoga, jogging, surfing, or taking your dogfor a walk, find the type of regular exercise that energizes you.


: Spiritual nutrition can feed us on a very deep level. Whetherit’s daily meditation, attending religious services, or taking a walk innature, becoming more spiritual can add incredible meaning to your life.

I want my life to feel abundant, adventurous, raw and juicy. And I am learning that it isn't just about what I put into my mouth. I need to take the time to focus on what I cultivate around me and where I spend my time and focus. 

Today I encourage you to take a minute and look at your primary foods. Take a minute to share with me. I would


to hear from you.

How are you feeding yourself? 

Oh, and if you were totally motivated to sign up for the 8 Week Slim Down Challenge with me, use the promo code milkandhoney and you will receive a nice little discount! 

To learn more about whichdiets and primary foods work best for you, get a free, digital copy of IntegrativeNutrition: Feed Your Hunger for Health and Happiness by JoshuaRosenthal MScEd, Founder, Director, and Primary Teacher of the Institute forIntegrative Nutrition.About The Institute for Integrative Nutrition(IIN)


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