Milk + Honey Wellness Coaching with Anne

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Goodbye to Fried, Hello To Fresh and Green!

This week is full of so much opportunity, happiness, and love ~ I can feel it!

I have some amazing things going on right now, and I really want to stay energized, focused and vibrant. So I’ve committed to focusing on nourishing my body with nutrient-packed, meals that will make me feel like my best self, and nix the foods that aren’t serving my goals. Will you join me?

The last time I did a personal reset, I wrote down what I was eating each day, and I began to realize that fried foods were sneaking into my meals more than I thought! 
I was eating things like quinoa and black bean chips, sweet potato fries, tempura, and wontons (with my glass noodle salad). I would have chips on the weekends with some salsa at a restaurant, buttery crackers when I was entertaining or packing my kiddos lunch,  and a few sweet potato fries here and there. OK, maybe more than a few....

Limiting these foods and making a few simple swaps was life-changing for me!!
Seriously you’re going to feel incredible! And after committing to it for a couple weeks, it just became part of my healthy lifestyle…with the occasional donut, cookie or piece of homemade pie of course cuz you know baking is my fav. 🍩

I believe that balance is the 🔑 to life ~ and sometimes your body needs a reset! That’s why I am challenging you to pay close attention to how your food is being prepared. Try to nix the fried food and reach for more delicious, fresh options by visiting your local farmer’s market or grocery store. I want you to use this mini challenge as an opportunity to rediscover your love for nourishing, clean, and fresh foods!

Today I’m sharing a few of my go-to delicious swaps for traditional fried foods, plus a few tips on finding fresh ingredients all year long!

Skip The Chip

When I first realized I was eating more fried food than I wanted to be, I immediately turned to veggies…they’re always the answer, right? 💁🏼I swapped chips and crackers for cucumber slices, snap peas, peppers (love sliced peppers with salsa), and carrots (with hummus and dips). I also started making homemade kale chips and guac, which is the tastiest swap ever…

I sprinkle nutritional yeast on top of the chips before baking and it makes them taste cheesy and delicious! Totally M + H Wellness approved of course!

Watch For Sneaky Sources

Fried Brussels?! Yep, it’s a thing! I noticed that I was getting a lot of fried Brussels sprouts at restaurants. Never be afraid to ask your waiter how something is prepared and request a substitution. Ask for steamed or grilled instead ~ they’ll usually be happy to accommodate!

Swap It For A Sip

One of the best ways to encourage healthy eating is to make sure you’re always properly hydrated! Often times when you feel hungry and may want to reach for a few fries before your meal or grab a plate of chips and dip, you’re actually just thirsty! Drinking plenty of water is the number one way to help you nix fried food. And if you want to spice up your sips a bit, try reaching for ginger kombucha (I love Rowdy Mermaid), sparkling water with lemon, or a hot tea instead!

It’s All In The Flavor!

Spice is LIFE! 🙌🏻 Great flavor absolutely MAKES a meal. My go-to seasonings are thyme, pink Himalayan salt, freshly ground pepper, cumin, and lots and LOTS of garlic! Adding spice is such a great way to mix up the flavors of your meals and make them taste so much more complex and gourmet! And with enough flavor, you won’t miss any of that fried stuff! You can also incorporate naturally flavored foods into your meals ~ certain fruits and veggies have delish, recognizable flavors that your taste buds will loveeee. Reach for things like peppers, pineapple, and citrus fruits like lemons and oranges!

Buy Local

One of the best ways to ensure that your meals will be filled with fresh fruits and veggies is to head to your local farmer’s market! This way, you can guarantee that all your produce is fresh and seasonal! And eating seasonally really makes a difference in the quality of your produce because certain times of the year are optimal for different foods to grow!

It’s All About Balance

Like I said, baked goodies are my favorite so of course I have them too! If you do have something fried at a celebration or night out, I never want you to feel guilty. Just get back to your healthier lifestyle choices at your next meal and you’re golden!!!

Who’s in this week to say bye to fried and helllooo fresh and green?!

Tell me below in the comments!

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