Milk + Honey Wellness Coaching with Anne

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This or That?

You've been doing awesome all year -- rocking your workouts, eating healthy, having fun, & feeling great. Don't let the holiday season derail your focus and hard work! 

I know it can be tough to stay motived throughout the winter months. It's COLD, it's DARK when you leave for work AND when you get home and then there's one holiday event after another with loads of unhealthy fare, booze, and sugary desserts. You probably have a holiday party this weekend (maybe even two!) and the get-togethers will keep a-comin' for the next month or so!

So if you find yourself in a pickle and you're not sure what to choose, I've made you a list of common party foods and which ones to go for when kale's not on the menu! 

Beer or Wine?

Wine contains the antioxidant resveratrol which has heart healthy benefits! Plus, beer is a heavy starch, and I typically suggest to clients who are trying to lose or maintain their weight to avoid starches later in the evening. Instead, dine with a glass of wine! 

Bread for an Appetizer or Cake for Dessert?

Bread can be tempting and you're more likely to fill up on it before your meal because you're hungry. Send back the pre-meal bread bowl, order dessert after a lovely meal, and share with friends!

Sour Cream & Onion Dip or Guacamole?

Guacamole is made from avocados which contain body loving mono-unsaturated fats and vitamin E. Other than that, it's mostly flavored with fresh ingredients like onions, peppers, cilantro, lemon, and salt! Ditch the sour cream and onion dip! Extra credit... Swap out chips and ask for sliced veggies to dip in your guac !

Pizza or Burger?

Most parties have pizza and burgers. A protein packed burger patty topped with onions, lettuce, and tomatoes will help keep munchies at bay. Pizza contains less protein and can cause you to feel hungry sooner. Opt for a burger! If you can, ask for a portobello mushroom or lettuce to replace the bun!

Cheese Plate or Artichoke Dip?

Cheese boards typically have a variety of calcium filled whole cheeses, crackers, dried fruits, and a whole grain mustard. Artichoke dip uses sour cream, mayo, and various processed cheeses which ups the fat content. Go for the cheese plate, but keep your moderation in check!

An Extra Cocktail or Dessert?

Depending on the dessert and drink option, I generally opt for an extra glass of wine. A slice of cheesecake or a bowl of ice-cream will contain more sugar and calories than a glass of wine or simple cocktail. The fewer ingredients, the lower the calories. And drink a glass of water for every cocktail!

This is your public service announcement: Breathe, relax, and have FUN!
Tis' is the season to enjoy time with your loved ones, focus on compassion, love, and most importantly give thanks for the gift of health in our lives! 

What are your favorite party tricks to stay on track with your health goals? 

Share with us in the comments below!