Milk + Honey Wellness Coaching with Anne

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Plan ahead to succeed!

The Importance of Meal Prep-Plan

Ahead To Succeed.

So here's a little insight about me. I'm a planner, with EVERYTHING in my life. That doesn't mean that I do the best of that ALL the fact, I have definitely done better. Seems like lately I can't remember a damn thing!  But what I have found to be true for myself and most of my clients is that in order to live a healthy lifestyle, you MUST learn how to plan ahead.

Why do most people fail at "eating clean"?

Because as normal working human beings, we are put into situations where we might not be able to "grab something healthy" all the time. The result? Grabbing a McDonald's burger or Del Taco, or Cafe Rio because its quick and convenient. With a little planning ahead, this can ALL be avoided.

I plan everything that I'm going to eat the night before, and I write it down. Alot of my clients will do this and plug it into the MyFitnessPal app on their phone. That doesn't really work for me, but that is the beauty of it. Do what works for you! 

I am a mom to a 3 year old, I have a growing business, and I work a night job. I spend a lot of time in my car, and if I didn't plan ahead I would be toast! There is no reason or excuse to NOT eat clean. It would probably be a lot more "convenient" to pick something up to eat instead of packing it the night before. But most of the time I refuse to do that. And if you want it bad enough, you'll refuse as well. Now look, I am not perfect. I do the best I can, and that is what I am encouraging you to do as well. So maybe I can share a few things with you that will be helpful. 

Here are my tips to healthy clean eating on the go, and planning ahead!:

  • Set aside about 2-3 hours on a Sunday afternoon, or a day off from work. Replenish groceries if needed. Have a "game plan" when you get home. For instance, "Cook brown rice. While that's cooking, clean all proteins, season, and bake in the oven. Cut veggies and roast in oven as well.", something along those lines! (meal prep can get a little overwhelming if you don't have a plan!) Put all foods in Tupperware's and label "meal 2, 3,4" etc. (PS: Proteins will last in your fridge for about 3 days. Cook enough to last for 3 days, and replenish when those are finished!)
  • Plan your meals the night before. A few hours before bed, usually after dinner, I plan the next day's meals. I make sure everything is in check and then pack the necessary things to take with me! Sometimes I will even make my morning smoothie and put it in the freezer over night if I know I have a busy morning. Then I can grab and go. 
  • Always keep a bottle of water on hand (a gallon would be even better). Leave some in your trunk if necessary. Not only do you not want to resort to grabbing a hamburger, you want to stay away from those soda's and afternoon coffee's.  Staying hydrated throughout the day is SO important.
  • For all you ladies out there, I KNOW there's room in those purses for an apple. I always keep a few things on me besides my meals incase of an emergency. Things like almonds or other nuts, quest bars, apples, and tuna packets won't go bad if they aren't in a fridge, and are so easy to carry around! You never know when you'll get stuck in traffic, stuck at work, etc.
  • Set goals and stick to them! Don't let temptations get in your way. There can be a lot temptations at work, but when you have a mind set, there's no changing it. Learn how to be stubborn when it comes to your diet. If someone offers you a cookie for example, just say no thank you and high tail it out of there!  The mind is so much more powerful then we think it is. If you set in your mind that you are sticking to your packed meals, then nothing should change it. Sure, cheats are okay once a week and it's okay to treat yourself, but if it isn't a planned cheat, it can get out of hand and those cheats can give way to habits. I always like to keep my cheats at the end of the week, usually Saturday. Why? Because I know if I can hold off all week and eat clean, I'll have a treat waiting for me at the end. I know if I have a cheat on Tuesday for example, I'm going to end up wanting one again during the weekend. That is why I plan my cheats. I also recommend doing this if you plan to incorporate cheat meals. That's 1 MEAL, not day! 

So there you have it. A little guide on how to prep and plan ahead, and set yourself up for success.

Remember, clean food doesn't have to be bland and boring! Incorporate different spices and find out what you like! It will make it all more enjoyable. I LOVE what I eat, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this. I love food and if I don't enjoy eating what's on my plate, there's no way in hell I'll eat it again let alone every single day. Find out what works for you and stick with it! Remember, proper nutrition is key to living a healthy and fit lifestyle. The gym is only about 20 percent of it. All that hard work you put into working out won't mean anything with a poor diet!