Milk + Honey Wellness Coaching with Anne

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Energy All Day Long

Energy all day long does not have to be a fantasy.
I still consider myself a new mom. Theo willbe turning one next month and so I guess technically he isn’t a brand new humanany more. But it still feels new to me.
Everything about being a mother has rocked me to the core and I feel like I amreinventing and trying on new skin daily. It has been incredibly challenging tofind balance, make time for myself, and try to feed my family nourishinghealthy foods.  And even after a year, Istill feel tired most of the time (I have a sneaking suspicion this doesn’tever really go away). But there have to be some things that we can do right??Seriously, there have been days where literally all I consumed was coffee!!!  

However, when I finally cleaned up my diet and took the time (and don’t worry Iget it when you tell me it feels like you don’t even have a spare minute) toconnect and find some balance… was pure and simple. Energy all day long.

So for all of you out there (and not just the moms of this planet) looking formore energy throughout the day and I am talking ALL day (Not just for the hourafter you have your morning and afternoon coffee before you crash again) thenkeep reading! These are things that you can change today.
I listed the things I was initially doing inmy day that I thought would bring me energy (but really just sucked the liferight out of me) and the easy Super Hero energy boost you can make to changeyour day.
Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy All DayLong
Morningenergy boosters
Energy Chameleon: Drinking coffee.
Yes, in the short run thisworks. But you’re making a deal with the devil by using caffeine to wake youup. Your adrenals are forced to push out energy, leaving them depleted, andleaving you more tired day after day. Adrenals if you haven’t the slightest are a small organ that comes in pairs. There is one on topof each kidney. The adrenal gland is a hormone producing gland and health ofthis gland can and will dictate the health and recovery of many types ofchronic illness. Though the topic can get confusing. The adrenalgland should make the necessary amount of hormones in a balance, withoutproducing too much or too little.
Energy Super Hero: Drink water.
Fatigue goes hand in hand with dehydration. So start the day with a big glass.Not a little sip that gets your mouth wet. A big ol’ glass. Because unless yousleep walk to the sink and drink a glass of water, you are not having any H2Oat night. Get your whole body hydrated first thing in the morning.  Then you can think about tea or juice or evena small coffee.

Energy Chameleon: Not eating breakfast.
Or possibly worse: eatingcereal/muffins/bagels/sugar. 
Yes, it is true, not eatingbreakfast in the morning may save you a little time or maybe you just don’tfeel hungry in the morning. Sound familiar? 

Energy Super Hero: Get your blood sugarbalanced.
Since you haven’t eaten overnight, you wake up with low blood sugar. Even ifyou don’t feel hungry, eat a little something: Plain yogurt, nuts, hard boiledeggs, almond butter on banana, quinoa porridge with coconut oil. You’ll noticeI’m emphasizing healthy proteins and fats, which will fuel you now and keep youfueled ’til lunch, rather than sending your blood sugar for a bagel-inducedspike and crash.

Energy Chameleon: Having nothing to look forward to.

When I worked in onlinesales I tried to stay in bed until the very last second dreading my boring andmundane job. I had to sit at a desk and stare at a screen for 8 hours!  If you don’t want to get up and face your day,your body will do its best to stay asleep all day long. But you aren’t avictim! You notice this pattern? Good. That’s a first step towards change.
Energy Super Hero: Make some plans!
These days, I jump out ofbed to do the work I love and to see my son. Think how easy it is to wake up onthe first day of vacation, or Christmas morning. The key is to create fun,meaningful, interesting activities in your life to look forward to – even ifit’s not a holiday. Give yourself a reason to feel “up” – A pedicure, a girls’weekend, a hike in the mountains, a whole new career, whatever works!
Afternoonenergy boosters

Energy Chameleon: Slowly turning into a zombie.
When was the last time you inhaled deeply? In front of the computer, it’s easyto breathe very shallow breaths, or stop breathing altogether for periods oftime. This happens to me all the time, even while I’m on my iPhone. Eek!

Energy Super Hero: Expand those lungs.
Breathe. Now, please. Big and deep, so your ribcage visibly moves. Good! Do itagain! You need oxygen to stay alive. Deep breathing is so important. It makesa huge difference in energy levels, stress levels and digestion (among otherbenefits, obviously, like staying alive!)
Energy Chameleon: Snacky snacky.
Mid-day snacks tend to bethings like pretzels, cookies, candy, chips – all things that are going tocause a blood sugar train wreck.

Energy Super Hero: Keep your blood sugar balanced.
If you emphasize healthy proteins and fats at every meal, you are going tomaintain a steady blood sugar level. If you’re getting hungry, reach forpumpkin seeds, hummus with veggies, or something else that will even out yourenergy instead of robbing it from you.
Energy Chameleon: Sluggish digestion.
Haven’t had a bowelmovement yet today?

Energy Super Hero: Help your digestive system work better.
You want to poop at least once a day, but preferably 2 or 3 times. If that’snot happening, you may need to drink more water, eat more fiber-rich veggies,whole grains or healthy fats. Or, you may need more movement in your life. Thismay take some experimenting, but pay attention and make adjustments right awayif you haven’t gone to the bathroom in 24 hours.  My clients that have worked with me to cleanup diet and increase movement have noticed a huge difference in theirdigestion. Coincidence? I think not.
Eveningenergy boosters

Energy Chameleon: Too much sitting.
Most of us sit all daylong. Come home and sit on the couch? That’s not helping at all. Lately, (ok mywhole life) I’ve have been obsessed with not sitting. (I am however sittingright now. Bah!)

Energy Super Hero: Get up and move.
Help counteract the chairby getting up and moving about. Cooking at the stove and washing dishes counts!Go for a walk or work on some household projects. Move it move it!

Energy Chameleon: Poor sleep.

Do you have thoughtsrunning around in your head, keeping you from sleep? Oh, I’ve been there. Howabout waking up 3, 4, 5 times a night? Seriously, no fun.

Energy Super Hero: Prepare your body for snoozin’.
Keep electronics out of thebedroom and give yourself a “wind down” period before bed. Use an eye mask orwhite noise machine (Ha! I use both.) And Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts by Bach Remedies are a godsend! Bythe way, the more movement you get and the less caffeine/sugar you ingest, theeasier sleep will be. It’s a fact!
So, haveyou been zapping or boosting your energy today?